Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Hill Family Reunion!

The Hill Family Reunion! Spanish Fork Utah, August 28th, 2009 This is the Hill Reunion! This is My Mother and all her cousins that came to Spanish Fork to the Reunion. Mom has a love for family and it carries through to all of us that are there with her.
This is our Uncle Clarence Hill. It is always a pleasure when Mom's Brothers come from Denver.
This is Uncle Lloyd Hill. Him and Clarence come from Denver. They are great Uncles to have around.
This is Kendall, he is a great man. He has been a great father figure in my life and I love him. He loves Mom and takes care of her. He also has always been there for us girls Thank you Kendall for all your love.
This is Uncle Blaine Hill. I have not seen him for a very long time. It was a treat to see him. I have very fond memories of him and his first wife Aunt Fay. He would always come to family parties early so that he could buy a kiss for a silver dollar from me and my sisters. When I saw him today he told me he would give me a silver dollar if I had a kiss for him. I didn't get a silver dollar but I did get the pleasure of seeing him and giving him a kiss. He is 90 years old and still gets around so well. I do love my family!!!

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