Monday, August 2, 2010

TREK 2010
Mountain Men, Sunrises, and just plain treking. What a great experience it is. This is our 4th trek and I have learned things on everyone of them. This year as I watched and helped on the women's pull, I thought of how sometimes we can help pull or push as we go up the hill, but sometimes it is harder to sit and watch as people make choices. Sometimes all we can do is pray for them and be a support as we cannot do anything else. We have to rely on our Heavenly Father for his help. We have to trust and have faith. I know that he walks beside us. Sometimes when we go down the wrong path all he can do is wait for us to realize that we need to come back to him. The atonement is real and is for all of us. I love my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know that he loves each of us. I am thankful for the experiences he give me in my life. I know the Church of Jesus Christ is true. In the name of Jesus Christ amen.

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